This discussion spans 4 days and is due before midnight on Thursday of week 3.
Halla Tómasdóttir managed to take her company Audur Capital through the eye of the financial storm in Iceland by applying 5 traditionally "feminine" values to financial services. At TEDWomen, she talks about these values and the importance of balance.
Learning outcomes
Students will be able to 1) discuss feminist theory, women's choices, race and cultural issues, and barriers related to gender and technology,
2) research current trends of women and technology of different cultures/countries,
3) analyze relationships among science, technology, and society using critical perspectives or examples from historical, political, or economic disciplines,
4) analyze the role of science and technology in shaping diverse fields of study over time,
5) articulate in writing a critical perspective on issues involving science, technology, and society using evidence as support.
1. On Monday, start reading and viewing.
After viewing the video or listening to the podcast above, read a few scholarly articles:
By Tyler Cowen, NYT and George Mason University 2014. See the original study Why Gender Matters in Economic by Mukesh Eswaran, University of British Columbia, 2104.
By Lisa Evans. Fast Company Magazine. 2014. A new study finds daughters can influence a Dad's leadership style. Read the three studies linked to in this article.
Justine Calcagno, Ph.D. Candidate, Social & Personality Psychology Ph.D. Program Quantitative Research Associate, Center for Latin American, Caribbean & Latino Studies, Graduate Center, CUNY, Latino Data Project - Report 57 – May 2014
Then search for and listen to/read a few popular or other scholarly articles, podcasts, and videos.
In a new tab, add various search phrases to a Google, Bing, or Yahoo search bar to locate articles. Switch to the Scholar, News, Videos, and Images channels to see different results.
wage gap
gender pay gap
mommy tax
daddy bonus
gender tax
second shift
vc gender discrimination (venture capital)
diversity and inclusion
glass ceiling vs high bridge
Bloomberg Financial Services Gender-Equality Index (BFGEI)
and your own search phrases
2. By Wednesday, start discussing the readings. (4 points)
In the Canvas forum for week 10:
Make a new thread titled with a question from the weeks' readings that you found most intriguing.
In 400 words or more, recap the scholarly and popular articles you read.
Write in a text editor like Word or Google Docs.
Edit the thread you held then paste in your writing from the text editor.
Cite sources using embedded hyperlinks in the Titles of Articles you mention so that readers can quickly open them in a new browser tab.
Mention support for your ideas, provide solutions, and note personal experiences.
Keep personal anecdotes to a minimum; the reading recap is key here.
I want to hear what you learned, not necessarily what you already know.
Write in your own words. Copying blocks of text from other sources will earn a 0 score.
3. By midnight on Thursday, reply to three others' threads. (4 points)
Glance through all the responses.
Respond to at least three others' threads (but not more than 5).
Challenge the opinions of others but back them up with research.
Research means you searched for and found other articles that support your ideas.
Writing means you wrote in your own words. Do not paste in large passages of others' writings.
Note which sources you found that support or contradict the ideas presented.
This project spans 9 days and is due Wednesday morning of week 11.
Instructor Pam Van Londen traveled full time in an RV for 9 months with her daughter.
Read the 2004 financial analysis.
(Daughter is grown now and that dream of driving her own car has come true!)
Learning outcomes
Students will 1) use a variety of hardware and software to improve their level of comfort with technology, improve their communications style, and enhance creativity
and 2) achieve a level of understanding regarding personal lifestyles and how choices can change the future. Declare personal principles, policies, or intentions for future use of technology.
Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live.
— Mae Jemison, Astronaut
In this century, it is conceivable that women can do whatever they want with their lives (at least in this country):
make a purchase, change a lifestyle, or develop a new skill. Anything is possible if one has support, time, and money.
So begin to dream big! What do you want out of life?
No, you will not have to act on this dream! Let's just pretend. In the process you'll learn about yourself,
what other people are doing and have done in this arena, and you'll begin to understand why you make certain choices.
Are your choices typical of your gender/ethnic group/culture?
Scoring Criteria (10 points)
Using a spreadsheet application, analyze the cost of financing one of your biggest dreams.
Document monthly income and expenses. In another file, identify various ways to budget for a
lifestyle change, business venture, or new acquisition. Detail the items to purchase and savings plans.
Note what happens when you adjust income and spending in different categories.
This project will be graded using the following criteria:
Detailed description of the dream is included. (3 points)
Examples of how others have achieved the same dream are included.
(.5 point)
Embedded links for online citations are included. (.5 point)
Report of current personal finances are included in an appropriate online file format. (3 points)
You may choose to keep this confidential by not posting it online.
Report of Budget projections and variations are included in appropriate online file formats. (3 points)
10.1 Read Example Projects
Click on each project below to read through them and get a sense of the research, writing, and formatting requirements:
Honeymoon in Paris, France, Leah Trice's financial analysis from 2017
Travel to Europe, Lachelle Humphrey's financial analysis from 2009.
Study Abroad, Sami Grove's financial analysis from 2007.
Two Week Trip to Australia, Andrea Free's financial analysis from 2008.
Playing in a Touring Band, Matt Riley's financial analysis from 2008.
10.2 Write about your dream.
Login to your Wordpress site and click the My Site button to get to the Dashboard.
Click on the Pages button.
Click on the Financial Analysis Page link to edit it.
Write about the following to share what it will take to fulfill your dream:
Under the 'The dream and...' subheadline:
type your original writing about why you want to fulfill this dream.
Under the 'How others...' subheadline:
type your original writing about how others accomplished the same dream.
Under the 'Barriers and support...' subheadline:
type your original writing about obstacles and how you might overcome them.
Under the 'Current Finances' subheadline:
leave a space. We'll add content in the next steps.
Under the 'Budget for the dream...' subheadline:
leave a space. We'll add content in the next steps.
Under the 'Conclusion' subheadline:
leave a space. You'll add this paragraph after the budget is completed.
Embed links to articles.
Click the Update button.
Click the green View button to see the page in a new tab. Check for grammar and spelling errors.
Ctrl-P (Win) or ⌘-P (Mac) to print the page as a .PDF file. Close this viewing tab.
Click the ← Back button from the Editing tab.
10.3 Document your current finances.
Launch either Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, or Apple Numbers to begin documenting the income and expenses for a typical month.
This becomes your starting point. This is not a budget; it is an description of your current state of financial affairs.
Create a file that includes the following in Column A:
Financial Aid
Total Income
Electric Power
Phone service
TV service
Internet service Groceries and dining
Car payment
Gas and oil changes
Car insurance
Total Expenses
Total Discretionary
Add actual or ball-park numbers to each of the cells in Column B that correlate with the categories in Column A.
Select the numbers for the Income section, then choose the ∑ → SUM option to auto-fill the total in the Total Income cell in Column B.
A typical formula looks like this: sum(B1...B4), which means you want the total of numbers in column A rows 1 through 4.
Select the numbers for the Expenses section then choose the ∑ → SUM option to auto-fill the total in the Total Expenses cell in Column B.
Right-justify Column B by selecting its numbers, then clicking the right-justify button.
Style the numbers as money by clicking the $ button then twice clicking the .0 → decimal button to remove the decimal places and add a dollar sign.
Add bold to the Total rows by selecting the Total Income and Total Expenses rows and clicking the B button.
Determine Discretionary funds by typing =B6-B20 into the Total Discretionary cell in Column B.
Important notes:
Consider expenses paid by your parents as income in your spreadsheet.
I am not interested in your income and expenses but rather your ability to document and evaluate income and expenses as well as use the ∑ → SUM function.
So if you do not want to show me your real data, make it up!
If you do not want to add the data to your Wordpress site, then use option B (PDF) in the next step.
If you use a tool like Quicken, Mint, or your bank's online software to generate an actual list of income and expenses,
feel free to run a report and screenshot the data or save it as a .PDF instead of create the spreadsheet above.
10.4 Output and upload the current finances data.
When you have all the data entered, it must be saved in a format that is appropriate for the web/Wordpress (which is not an Excel file).
Choose one method for adding the data to the Wordpress Page.
Copy the Caption field's text (but not the copyright statement) and paste it into the Alt text field.
This text makes your site more accessible to visually-impaired listeners.
The Description field can be left blank.
Click the Insert button.
If the inserted screenshot image is awkwardly placed, consider floating it to the right.
Click the image then the button.
B. Saved as a PDF and uploaded
If you don't want to add this document to your website, attach it when you submit in Canvas.
Select the active cells of the spreadsheet file.
Print the file. In the print dialog box, click the button.
Save as a .PDF file.
After the appropriate subheadline on you Wordpress Page, enter a new line.
Click the
icon on the toolbar to be transported to the Media Library.
Click the Add New button and locate the PDF file.
Click Upload and wait for the file to load.
Click Insert.
Edit and change the Link Text if the hyperlink name is non-descriptive. It should look like this:
Current Finances.
C. Copy/Pasted from the spreadsheet
Select the active cells of the spreadsheet file and Copy.
After the appropriate subheadline, enter a new line.
Paste the contents of the clipboard.
If the number cells do not align to the right, select them and click the
You must do this for each number cell.
Students who choose to skip this step will be docedk a point.
Click the Update button.
Click the green View button to see the page in a new tab.
Check to ensure that the entire spreadsheet fits in the page area without being cropped or spilling onto the sidebar.
Check for grammar and spelling errors.
10.5 Budget for the dream.
Now that you know how much money you have, plan ahead.
In a NEW spreadsheet file, add rows for items that need to be purchased and columns that show price variations.
You may be able to use the same software as for step 2. Just remember that this section is about the dream and what it will cost, not just your general budget and a savings plan.
Show variations based on different scenarios. Note what happens when you adjust income and spending in different categories.
Variations need to share the same row headings; don't repeat them for each scenario.
Use the ∑ → SUM function for totaling each column.
Include expenses that you must purchase to make the dream a reality. For example:
If you were going to travel to another country, you might incur expenses like various forms of transportation, special clothing, and luggage, phone cards, visas, lodging, meals, museum fees, etc.
One column of your data could show 5-star hotel stays with room service meals and another could show hostel stays with homemade meals.
10.6 Output and upload the budget data.
When you have all the data entered, it must be saved in a format that is appropriate for the web/Wordpress (which is not an Excel file).
Choose one method for adding the data to the Wordpress Page. These links will jump you back to step 10.4:
Under the 'Conclusion' subheadline, analyze your needs and desires and compare options
to help refine the decisions you make which could lead to implementing the dream.
10.8 Print a PDF of the Financial Analysis page.
Print the page of your project as a .PDF file with these specifications:
Check the Print Simplified button (if you're using the Chrome browser).
Update the Page Range field to reflect the number of pages that include content. Print only pages with content.
Save the PDF files to your hard drive in the same folder used previously.
10.9 Submit the project to the Gradebook in Canvas.
The scoring of this work will not be done inside Canvas's TurnItIn function.
I will score it directly in Canvas from your live website. You'll see my feedback in the Canvas Grades area.
Submit the PDF file and the URL:
Copy the live URL of your Financial Analysis page.
Click on the ✏ Complete the Financial Analysis Project. assignment link in Canvas.
Add the URL of your project's page in the Comment field.
Click the button to upload the PDF file.
Click Submit Assignment.
Click the Grades button to confirm that the file submitted.